Provisional Translation
- O Lord!
- Rear these holy souls in the Shadow of Thy favors.
- Protect them under Thy Shelter.
- Save them from harm.
- Make them the Signs of Thy Unity,
- the Banners of Thy Oneness and Thy Hidden Words.
- Refresh them with the drops pouring out
- of the clouds of Thy Mercy.
- Fill them with a new spirit
- by the gentle breezes wafting out of
- the Garden of Thy Revelation.
- Make them brilliant lamps
- like minarets lighted by Thy Love
- and blissful in both worlds.
- Bless Thou, the Motahedeen Company.
- Thou art the Giver, the Generous and the Kind.
Tablets to Shaykh Muhammad Husayn
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