Provisional Summary Translation
Provisional translation of excerpted themes of a Tablet from Bahá’u’lláh to Mullah Muhammad Shafí that contains significant instruction in advising the friends. It is partly in Farsi and partly in Arabic.
- This tablet is revealed from The Realm on High
- to the one who has born witness
- to that which was revealed by The Tongue of Grandeur
- and one who drank the wine of Revelation,
- whose name is Muhammad Shafí.
- His name has been remembered in The Holy Presence.
- This tablet has been revealed by the Heaven
- of the Will of God
- and will endure in this world and the worlds to come.
- That which was hidden in the heart of The Messenger
- and was sealed is now revealed and made manifest.
- Some have embraced this truth and drank their fill
- from the hand of the Cup-Bearer
- and some have violently opposed
- and have caused the Prophet of God, Muhammad
- and The Bab in the Highest Heaven to lament.
- The followers of the Bayan, like the followers of the Quran
- have clung to their vain imaginations
- and are promoting hate and envy.
- Not for a moment have they contemplated
- on the outcome of the belief, action and deeds of the Shia Sect.
- For twelve hundred years or more they have been educating
- the helpless people with vain imaginings and have caused
- the martyrdom of The Beloved of the World with their malice.
- All the ignorant of Iran sought the martyrdom
- and shedding of blood of The King of Eternity.
- The meaning of “the ignorant” is the clergy of that land
- who have caused enmity and denial of the people.
- Bahá’u’lláh calls upon Mullah Muhammad Shafí
- to make a mighty effort to protect the followers of the Religion of God
- who are like God’s sheep, from these wolves of self and desire,
- enabling them to be free from the dust of vain imagining
- and to be illumined with The light of assurance and certitude ...
- with the power of The Most Great Name adorn the believers
- with the ornament of steadfastness, so that the evildoer witnesses
- the Light of Fortitude from each and every one.
- All the warnings in The Most Holy Book concerning
- the land of Kaf (Kerman) and Ra have become manifest.
Tablets to Shafí
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