Provisional Translation by John Weigley

  • He is Supreme over His Cause and Almighty over His Creation.
  • May the first wave of exaltation breaking forth from the sea of the mercy of Thy Lord, the All-Compassionate, be upon thee, O mystery of the Qur’an and possessor of the secrets of the Bayan!
  • I testify that thou hast quaffed the nectar of inspiration from the chalice of the Hand of His favor and grace and attained the presence of Him Who is the Promised One of all the heavenly Books, the Scriptures and Tablets.
  • Thou didst hearken to the Divine Call when it was raised and perceived its dawning above the Exalted Horizon on the Day when all the kingdoms of the earth turned their backs on God, the Lord of all men.
  • Thou dist inhale the fragrance of the Great Announcement as it wafted from the garment of the King of Eternity.
  • I testify that thou hast championed the religion of God and His Cause through thy pen, thy tongue, and thy hand until thou didst surrender thy very self in His path and drank from the Kawthar of martyrdom in His Name and in His Love.
  • Thou wert inebriated through the Salsabíl of His Knowledge until thou didst soar upon the wings of certitude into a space where naught can be heard but for the stirrings of the soft breezes of the mercy of Thy Lord, the King of all religions.
  • Thou art he by whose calamity all the atoms of the universe have wailed and all the eyes of its creatures have wept. I testify that through thee hath appeared all the treasures of the earth and all the pearls of its seas.
  • Through thee the Brow of True Knowledge was adorned with the Crown of the Bayan, O thou who didst imbibe the choice, sealed wine before all eyes in the Name of Thy Lord, the Self-Subsisting.
  • The Glory that hath dawned from the Horizon of Bounty and the Light that hath shone from the Heaven of Justice be upon thee and upon all those who have striven with thee; who accepted Him Whom thou didst approach and repudiated whosoever had risen against thee; who arose to champion the Cause of God with thee and in thy shadow; and who gained thy presence and circled around thee.
  • I beg of Thee O my God and the God of Names, My Fashioner and the Fashioner of the Heavens, by the pearls of the Ocean of Thy Oneness and by the mysteries of Thy Book and by the sighing of Thy loved ones in their remoteness from Thee and by the cries of the sincere ones in their separation from Thee and by this sacred resting place and this exalted shrine, to forgive me and my parents and whosoever hath drawn nigh unto or will draw nigh unto this purified tomb, and he who hath visited or will visit it for Thy sake, O King of Destiny.
  • Moreover, I ask of Thee My Lord, by Him and by those who suffered martyrdom in Thy Path, to supply me with the necessities of life and to sustain Thy creatures who have laid firm hold on Thy Covenant and who have tasted the sweetness of Thy Utterance.
  • Thou art the Sovereign, the All-Knowing the All-Wise.
  • Bahá’u’lláh

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