Provisional Translation
- O thou who art surrounded by immeasurable calamity!
- Verily, those souls who joined the Supreme Concourse
- were symbols of His grandeur.
- The Horizon of this world was illumined
- with the light of their countenance.
- They were the daysprings of Divine Love
- and the fountainheads of His Knowledge.
- By God,
- their departure from the horizon of this world
- is the cause of great regret and sorrow,
- for as those luminous rays
- returned to the Sun of Truth,
- as those birds of the Meadow of Recognition
- winged their way to the Mystic Garden of Oneness
- like lovers of beauty and truth,
- they were united with their True Love.
- We should be comforted and remember
- the afflictions that befell the Ancient Beauty
- and beseech God that we, too,
- may drink the eternal camphor from the crystal cup
- offered by the Hand of His Favor
- and pray that we, too,
- may attain such a great bestowal.
- They have achieved a joyous ending
- by having responded to the Divine Call,
- by having attained the recognition of the Ancient Beauty,
- by having tread the path of His Good Pleasure
- and by having held fast with the utmost strength
- to the cord of His Covenant.
- By God, this is the Most Magnificent Grace.
Tablets to Shafí
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