This Tablet from Bahá'u'lláh to Mullah Muhammad Shafí contains words from Bahá'u'lláh in the beginning and then words from Khademullah. Excerpts from each section are as follows:
Words of Bahá’u’lláh
- I beseech God to aid His servants to perform
- pure and goodly deeds
- and to engage in commendable conduct.
- The citadels of men’s hearts can be conquered
- only through goodly deeds.
- Conflict and contention are in no wise permitted.
- Faithfulness and trustworthiness are two
- shining stars in the Horizon of God’s Revelation.
- Beseech God that you are not deprived
- of the light of the sun of trustworthiness
- and the moon of honesty
- nor of the light of justice and equity.
Words of the servant of God (Khademullah), secretary
- The Blessed Beauty advised this servant of God
- to write to Shafí to obtain Húqúqulláh
- in that city and forward it to the city of Ya and Ha.
- The station of true believers,
- due to lack of of readiness of the people of the world,
- is not known.
- Guard ye thy station as the evildoers are in waiting.
- Today the whole world is illumined with the light of truth
- and calling the friends of God to this lofty station.